Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tricks and Tips to be Advised

I am passing along some wisdom to the rest of you for upcoming K.C. or L.D. scenarios-altercations-battles- or generic (almost pleasant) visits.

1. Be prepared in general (a pen, a course list, possible bribes,people skills, a gentle spirit--the works)
2. Know your stuff (this falls in the be prepared category, but still needs repeating)
3. Go early, in terms of the time of day and probably semester. If you go early they haven't had the chance to hate the student population, their paperwork, and life in general.
4. Do not for any reason let them out of your sight, there is a huge possibility they will not come back. As soon as your face popped around the corner, they began plotting ways to get rid of you... DO NOT LET THEM ESCAPE.
5. Ask them for their approval, preferably a signed copy stating that you are a genius and a master schedule planner because you WILL be graduating in under 7 years. (well done, well done)

And now I send you off into the wilderness of a new semester. Mama loves you, make good choices

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