In this world of creatively driven people there exists two different schools of thinking. We have exhibit A, "Product People", those who work within a start-end mindset. These individuals are less concerned with how they get to their point and more focused on what they have to show for it. They cringe at the idea of a messy breakup, or, (for those who shamefully watched the Bachelorette last season) "the dot-dot-dot". This idea of creating for the sake of creating is foreign and more then that it is uncomfortable in its ambiguity.
Exhibit B, the "Journey Junkies", this strange breed tend to make without knowledge of the end result, but have also excepted in advance that there might not be one. Their interest tends to be rooted in the way they are progressing forward...and sometimes backward. Failure is non-existent when the pressure of finality doesn't weigh heavily upon them, it is merely a fork in the road.
As Troward said, " This Creative Process, therefore, can only be conceived of as limitless,while at the same time strictly progressive, that is, proceeding stage by stage, each stage being necessary as preparation for the one that is to follow."
Admittedly, I tend to reside in Exhibit B and I apologize for any bias you may feel. However, the real issue at hand is this-- both modes of thinking are rooted in a common ground. Creating, no matter what form it takes, is coming from the same basic desire in all of us to make sense of....everything and anything. What has occurred to me while seeing these processes in practice is that perhaps they are complementary, "Each supplies what is wanting in the other (Troward)." Perhaps, saying you cannot relate to these other ways of working is to do yourself a disservice. I think the Journey deserves a Product and the Product is deserving of some fluidity.
p.s. after years of e-mails from K. Scott, I finally opened one. Guess what? FREE coffee in the gallery every Monday morning. Thanks K.Scott, for truly knowing your audience.
Exhibit B could also be referred to as Maximalist
Exhibit A deserves more credit then I gave it, and I plan to expound on their attributes at a later date. Stay tuned Product People, you do have worth and value!